I think that if I had a little girl to make bows for, we would have WAY too many!
I needed to make an Easter bow and planned to make one for my friend who has a cute little baby girl.
My only problem? I couldn’t decide on a style or which ribbon combinations to use.
So to fix it, I made five of them!
I love satin and sheer to dress up a bow and mostly used that.
Unfortunately, my color was a little off on the sheer, so I didn’t finish that bow, but I will still show it to you.
The first bow I made used the Six Loop Hair Bow technique. Click the link for the instructions.
I used White Double Faced Satin Ribbon in 5/8″. This bow measured 3 1/2″ wide.
The second layer used the same technique with Williamsburg Blue Double Faced Satin Ribbon in 1/4″. This bow is 2 1/2″ wide.
I tied the two bows together and used White Double Faced Satin in 1/4″ for the center.
Then I added a little embellishment in the center to finish this bow off.
The second bow was made using the Pinwheel Bow Technique in the TOTT Hair Bow Instructions.
The base layer used White Double Faced Satin in 5/8″ and is 3 1/2″ wide.
The second layer used Iris Solid Sheer Ribbon in 5/8″ and is 3″ wide.
I didn’t finish it off because it didn’t match the dress, but if I had, I would have used the Double Faced Satin for the center and maybe put a little embellishment in the middle as well.
The next bow is made using the Twisted Boutique Bow Technique, and I did these by hand.
I am still struggling to make the bow perfect on the first time, but I think this bow turned out okay.
For the bottom layer I used Antique Blue Double Faced Satin Ribbon in 7/8″, and it is about 4″ wide.
The next layer used the White Double Faced Satin Ribbon in 5/8″ and is about 3″ wide.
I tied the two layers together and finished the bow off with a knotted center using the White Double Faced Satin in 5/8″.
This next bow uses White Double Ruffle Ribbon in 7/8″.
I love the Double Ruffle for Spring (well for any occasion!)
This bow was made using the Basic Boutique Bow technique, is 3″ wide, and it uses the Antique Blue Double Faced Satin in 7/8″ for the knotted center.
The last bow is very simple.
Sometimes simple can be best.
I used Antique Blue Double Faced Satin Ribbon in 7/8″ to make a Twisted Boutique bow. This bow is about 3 1/2″ wide and uses White Double Faced Satin Ribbon in 5/8″ for the knotted center.
I love how they turned out, and I can’t wait to see this cute little girl on Sunday and find out which bow her mommy picked!
Absolutely beautiful! I can totally relate on the too many bows! I have girls and way too many bows! I should send you a pic of our collection sometime! It’s ridiculous!
I love all of these ideas. Your tutorials always make things seem so simple and yet so adorable at the same time! C