
Christmas Ribbon Wreath

It’s Christmas crafting time…Fa, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La! Do you have your Christmas tunes playing in the background? Hehe…I know, so do I! I love this time of year and am so excited to get some Christmas crafts done for this fun time of year! Samantha from Fearlessly Creative Mamas is in the Christmas crafting spirit too and today she is sharing a festive Christmas Ribbon Wreath with fun ribbon and jingly bells that are helping us ring in our Christmas crafting season! Enjoy!

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
This week I am starting my Christmas projects. I know, I know, its a little early, but when you make things by hand they take time, and now is the time to start them!!

My first project was this really fun ribbon wreath. I love how it turned out, and it was really easy and didn’t take too much time.

All I needed for my project was some really fun ribbon that I got from The Ribbon Retreat. If you haven’t been to The Ribbon Retreat, you are really missing out! They have an amazing selection of ribbon for EVERY season, in EVERY color! I could just get lost in it all and spend an entire day browsing their ribbon!! I also used a styrofoam circle, some silver jingle bells, and pinking shears.

Red Sugar Chevron Dipping Dots Snow Flurries, Pink White and Red Diagonal Apple Green Polka
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Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Don’t you just love this festive ribbon?!!

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I cut all of my ribbon out with the pinking shears so it doesn’t fray on the ends, and it also looks cool.

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I cut my ribbon out in strips. I didn’t measure any of it. I just guessed how long I wanted the ends to be and tried it out and if that looked good to me, that’s how long I cut the rest of the strips out.

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Once I had my strips cut out, I wrapped them around the circle and just tied them in a double knot. You can make the strips as long as you want, to make it stick out as long as you want.

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I just kept tying all of the strips on until the circle was covered and I liked how it looked.

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
For the bells, I fed some ribbon through the strings on the bells, then tied them to the top of my wreath. Then to keep them in place I just used these little thumb tacks and put them through the back so you can’t see them.

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
This is my finished wreath. I love how it turned out!!! And I love how easy it was to make. I will for sure be making more of these for some easy Christmas presents!! Have you started any Christmas projects yet??

Christmas Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Thank you Samantha! Wreaths are so fun to decorate with and add some holiday cheer to your front door, living room and so many more places in your home! I love your ribbon choices and how incredible it looks coupled with those fun bells! For more great projects by Samantha, make sure to visit her blog at Fearlessly Creative Mamas.

Are you a fan of wreaths too? Check out these other fun wreaths that are full of fun and gorgeous ribbon from…yep, The Ribbon Retreat! The Ribbon Retreat has the most amazing selection of ribbon. You will find chevron, polka dot, sports, flowers, planes and more designs than you can even imagine! We also carry more color options than you could ever need. And last by surely not least, we also carry colors and designs EXCLUSIVE to only The Ribbon Retreat! Wow…is right!!!

Thanksgiving Burlap Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Halloween Ribbon Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Fall Fabric Rag Wreath - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Where is your favorite place to put your wreaths?

Happy Creating & Happy Holiday Wreaths!
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  1. Posted November 12, 2014 at 5:37 pm | Permalink

    I’m stopping by from the Monday Funday Party and absolutely love your festive wreath! Thanks so much for sharing your project with us!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 13, 2014 at 8:15 am | Permalink

      Hi Pauline! Thank you so much for stopping by! I am so glad you love this fun wreath! Have a wonderful day and thank you again so much! Michelle 🙂

  2. Posted November 13, 2014 at 3:18 pm | Permalink

    Love the idea. I am thinking all red and white ribbons. Love the bells added to it no matter what colors you use this is a cool idea. 😀

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 13, 2014 at 5:40 pm | Permalink

      Hi Debbie! Thank you so much! Ooooooo…an all red and white wreath would be beautiful and so fun! I would love to see it when it is all done! Have a great day and thanks again for your sweet comment! Michelle 🙂

  3. Posted November 13, 2014 at 8:11 pm | Permalink

    This ribbon wreath is adorable! It looks pretty simple to make, too. I might have to try this soon!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 19, 2014 at 1:14 pm | Permalink

      Hi Melanie! Thank you so much! This wreath is way simple to make and so fun too! I hope you get a chance to try it soon and that you LOVE it! Have a wonderful day and thank you again! Michelle 🙂

  4. Posted November 19, 2014 at 7:15 am | Permalink

    I love this wreath, and the hanging bells…perfection! I’m pretty sure I need to make one this year. It’s getting me so excited to decorate for Christmas!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 19, 2014 at 12:48 pm | Permalink

      Hi Christine! Thank you so much! I am so glad you like this fun wreath and that it is inspiring you and getting you excited to put up your Christmas decor! Have so much fun decorating and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

  5. Pat C.
    Posted November 19, 2014 at 8:56 pm | Permalink

    Oh, I love this ribbon wreath! It makes me feel all happy inside.: ) The bells add such a whimsical touch; I can almost hear the cheery tinkling they’d make every time the front door–or even an inside door–is opened. Thanks for suggesting using pinking shears on the ribbon ends, Samantha. I would light myself on fire cutting all those ends at a diagonal and using a lighter to seal them! xoxo

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 22, 2014 at 9:04 am | Permalink

      Hi Pat! Thank you so much! Your comments always make me happy inside. 🙂 You are a wonderful lady, and I am so glad you love this fun wreath! Have a wonderful day and thank you again! Michelle 🙂

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