
Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Every little artist needs a place for them to put all their crayons and books to carry around wherever they go! Our Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial is perfect for just that! Read more to see how you can make one for your little artist.

It’s me again! It’s Amber from Crazy Little Projects. I have been posting a lot at The Ribbon Retreat lately. But I’ve got another one for you today.

Today I bring you a perfect holiday gift idea. It’s pretty easy, inexpensive and fun for kids of all ages. It’s a coloring book and crayon holder. A kid’s very own portfolio if you will:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

It holds crayons or markers or colored pencils on one side:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

And coloring books or stickers or paper on the other:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

And folds up nice and has handles so little ones can carry it wherever they are going.

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

OK, so let’s make it.

What You Need:

1/2 yard of main fabric

1/2 yard of coordinating fabric

1/2 yard of felt (any color)

Small piece of Velcro

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Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial:

Let’s start out with the straps. You need to cut 2 pieces from your main fabric and 2 pieces from your coordinating, each about 12 inches by 2 1/4 inches. Also cut two of the same size from your felt.

Put right sides of your two fabrics together and the piece of felt outside them. Stitch down each side of the strap, leaving both ends open:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Turn them right side out, press them flat and top stitch along each side:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

That’s it! Your straps are done. Set them aside for later.

Now, cut a large piece from each of your fabrics – 14 1/2″ by 22 1/2″. Also cut one of these pieces out of your felt. These will be your main body of the carrier.

Now you need to make the pockets or compartments for the carrier. First you need to decide: is this going to hold crayons, markers or colored pencils, because your dimensions will be slightly different depending on what you choose.

For markers or colored pencils cut a piece of your main fabric that is 14 1/2″ by 11.”

For crayons cut a piece of your main fabric that is 14 1/2″ by 8.” (Because crayons are shorter and we don’t want them to get lost down in the pocket.)

Take this piece of fabric you just cut and fold it in half with right sides together and sew just across the long side. Turn it right side out so it should look like this: (press it nice and flat with your iron)

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Fold your large piece of coordinating fabric in half to find the center. Mark that with a pin or something so you know where it is. Now, place this piece that you just created above so that is lines up almost exactly with the center. Give it maybe about 1 centimeter of breathing room. Sew along the top and bottom edge (the raw edges) to hold in place. Now, sew straight lines down the pocket about 1 inch apart to form the spots for the crayons or markers:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Now we need to make the pockets for the other side. I made 2 pockets for mine. The first pocket you will make out of the main fabric. Cut a piece that is about 14 1/2″ by 10 1/2.” Fold under and press both of the long sides of this piece. On the left side of the fabric (when looking at the fabric head on), fold it under not once, but twice. Sew a straight stitch down both of those sides:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Now do the same thing with a piece of the coordinating fabric, but use these dimensions instead: 14 1/2″ by 8 1/2.”

With both of those pieces of fabric hemmed on each of the two long sides, place them where you want them on your carrier. Put the main fabric one on the bottom with the right edge right about at the center of your carrier. Layer the coordinating one on top of that so that the right edges line up perfectly and there is about 2 inches of space between the left edges.

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Stitch those in place along the top and the bottom – just to hold them for now.

Now, your inside piece is ready, so let’s attach it to the outside. Place your inside piece with it’s right side touching the right side of your large main fabric piece. Put the large piece of felt on the outside. Grab your straps and put them in place on the two outside edges of the carrier with the facing inwards. As in, you can’t see them, just the ends of them right now. See their stubby little ends in this picture:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Here’s what it looks like on the other side where your felt is. In my case I had to piece 2 pieces of felt together because I didn’t have a piece big enough. Yours will just be one big piece.

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Starting at the bottom somewhere, sew all the way around, leaving about a 4-5 inch opening to turn it right side out. Then turn it right side out. It will come out sort of rumply, so iron it nice and flat and smooth. Then top stitch all the way around the bag. This will close your opening and help the whole bag to lay smooth.

I like to have my corners be a little bit rounded:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

This is what it should look like when laid out flat:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Now, sew a straight line right down the center of the carrier, again, just to help keep everything in place and also to help it fold in the center.

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Last step-sew a piece of Velcro on each side right below the handles:

Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial - perfect for the little artist! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

You’re done! It will make a great gift for someone! Want other handmade gift ideas for the holidays? I will be featuring quite a few, so be sure to visit me at Crazy Little Projects or on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or RSS.

Thank you Amber for this awesome Coloring Book and Crayon Holder Tutorial!

Amber’s instructions are so easy and make a bag like this very doable for anyone. And just in time for Christmas! I am sure little ones would love a holder like this, special for them!

We have lots of fun kid themed fabric that would make wonderful holders. Check out our awesome fabric selection to make one of your own.

And of course visit Crazy Little Projects for more fun sewing projects and more.

If you are interested in sharing your crafts or bow making skills, we are searching for crafty contributors. If you’re a craft blogger or bow maker who’d like to submit a tutorial of your own, visit our Project Submission Page to see all the details. We love all tutorials, and now especially love holiday ones! We make it worth your while! We love our contributors!

Have a great day! ~ Shirley, The Ribbon Retreat Blog Editor

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  1. Posted October 27, 2012 at 2:43 pm | Permalink

    Love your color scheme.
    Great tutorial.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Crystal
    Posted April 16, 2013 at 2:27 am | Permalink

    Just wanted to share. I made this for my niece’s birthday next week. Thank you for the great tutorial!

  3. Brunel
    Posted May 14, 2013 at 4:59 pm | Permalink

    Es bellisima además de tener una explicación muy clara. Mil gracias y otras tantas por compartir

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted May 17, 2013 at 4:39 pm | Permalink

      Thank you Brunel!!! I am so glad you liked this super fun tutorial! Doesn’t Amber do such a great job of always giving such good and clear explanations! She rocks!! Thanks again for your comment! Have a wonderful day! 🙂

  4. krystal
    Posted February 20, 2014 at 11:57 am | Permalink

    Hi there! I’m tackling this for my first ever sewing project 🙂 I don’t know if I’m overlooking it or not but when do you sew down the long sides of the crayon pockets and the paper holder pockets? I am referring to the sides that are near the center fold of the tote that should be closed in order to make sure the crayons and paper do not fall through. Thank you!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted March 3, 2014 at 10:03 pm | Permalink

      Hi Krystal! Thank you so much for your question and for your comment! Congrats on your first sewing adventure! That is awesome! Amber says, “That those raw edges get sewn into the seam that you sew at the very end around the outside of the carrier-the large piece. They will get sewn into there so that they extend all the way to the end.” I hope this helps! Thank you again and good luck with your project! Have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

  5. Claudia
    Posted July 1, 2016 at 9:39 am | Permalink

    Love this crayon caddy … so cute ….. one thing I think you need to add (or maybe I missed it ) is to sew across the bottom of the crayon 1″ pockets … the directions say to sew the raw edges to hold it on but if you do not sew the bottom of the pockets the crayons will fall through … same with the other 2 pockets on the other side …. they need to be closed at the bottom so the stickers/noteboook/coloring book does not go all the way through the pocket.

    Otherwise I love it …. made several as gifts !

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