
Flower T-Shirt (Adding Fabric to Knit)

Flower T-Shirt (Adding Fabric to Knit) - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

I bought a cheap plain T-Shirt with the intent to jazz it up somehow.

I made a fabric flower a while back where I layered folded petals.
I thought it would be cute to layer the same type of petals on my shirt and sew them in place.

I think it turned out pretty cute.  It would look especially cute on a little girl!
The fabric I used for this Shirt is Pink Python from the Urban Angel Collection.
I used Snow So Fine Thread.


Pre–washed T–Shirt
1/8 yard of Fabric

I cut my petals the same way I did the Fabric Flower Version 1.
If you missed it see how I cut them by clicking the link.

I picked up some Jersey Ball Point Needles for my machine.  A must have when sewing on knits!  Regular Point Needles poke holes in the knit, and when you wash it the holes get bigger.  Jersey Ball Point Needles push through the holes already in the knit.  It looks so much better in the end.  These needles are very inexpensive and very worth your time to go get yourself some!

I pinned the flower petals on where I wanted them.  I overlapped some of the petals to give it dimension.

I sewed an X through each petal.  If I came to some that were overlapped I just did a bigger X to cover both flowers.

Be sure to always backstitch at start and finish of each X.

Here is a close up of some of the X’s.

Flower T-Shirt (Adding Fabric to Knit) - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

After the petals are all secure try it on to make sure there are no sparse spots.  When it is the way you want it wash it to make the petals fray up.

This project goes to show that with even a little bit of the beautiful designer fabric available at The Ribbon Retreat you can turn a plain T–Shirt into something you are proud to wear.

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One Comment

  1. Posted August 31, 2011 at 8:47 am | Permalink

    I think the shirt turned out very cute. I liked your choice of fabric for the flower too. You can never go wrong with pink! Keep up the good work on the blog. I look forward to it everyday!…even though it’s causing my “to do” list to get longer and longer!

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