Hi and welcome back to our awesome Bows Show-N-Tell Link Party! I am super duper excited for this link party for lots of reasons but one major reason is because today is the last day of school for my kiddos and probably a lot of yours too! So…why not celebrate with a super fun and super summery Bow Link Party! All in favor say “I”!! “I”, “I”, “I”! I am so ready to celebrate summertime with you and you and you, by sharing all of your amazing talents right here for creating amazing bows and hair accessories you’ve been making since our last link party a few months ago!
We have so much fun with these great link parties, and it is always so hard to wait to have another one! I am so SO excited for this link party, seems how it is happening right at the beginning of summertime and right before the 4th of July. So, with that being said, I know there are incredible bows out there that need some major showing off, which makes them perfect for this link party! However, you do not have to make or link up a summery or holiday bow for this link party. You can make whatever type of bow (or hair accessory) you would like…the sky is the limit, and I can’t wait to see your creativity. AND…you can link up as many of your handmade bows or headbands or ribbon sculptures as you want! I would love to see them all and for you to showcase your AMAZING talent!
This is going to be a true party, and you are all invited to participate! In case you haven’t heard, don’t remember, or you are visiting for your first time today…there is even a prize, no 3 prizes up for grabs and to be given away for the incredible bows ya’ll link up!
So, how do you win one of these 3 prizes? Here is all you need to know…
1. Make as many bows or other hair accessories as you can using the The Ribbon Retreat YouTube videos, The Ribbon Retreat’s fabulous hair bow written tutorials found HERE, or any hair bow, ribbon sculpture, or hair accessory that you come up with. *Note: While you are checking out our awesome videos, subscribe to our Ribbon Retreat YouTube Channel so you can receive a notice every time a new video is added (which is once a week!). These videos are so awesome…you will be so glad you subscribed! Remember…You will be able to link up as many bows (or hair accessories) as you can create!
2. This Link Party is open right now and won’t close until Friday, June 26th at midnight. We will keep it open for 3 weeks so if you need to order any ribbon or supplies to make your bows, you will have plenty of time to order and receive your product, create your incredible bows, and link them up right here at our fabulous party! However, if your bows are already made and ready to go…go ahead and link those beauties up right now! The party has already started!
3. On Monday, June 29th our Top 3 Winners will be announced!
4. First place will win $50.00 to The Ribbon Retreat. Second place will win $30.00 to The Ribbon Retreat. Third place will win $20.00 to The Ribbon Retreat.
5. Who is ready to PARTY????? Ready, Set, Link up BELOW!
Good Luck everyone! Have so much fun creating your bows and hair accessories. I love bows and ALL hair accessories and am so excited to see how incredibly talented you all are. Our last Link Party was so much fun and there were LOTS and LOTS of fun,fun bows and other hair accessories linked up, so I know there are going to be some amazing bows coming our way!
I accidentally posted the wrong picture on the summertime blog contest page. I have no clue how to take it off. I’m sorry. It’s the one of my daughter in a tutu. Although your products were used to make the bow in her hair.
Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for letting us know! I absolutely love the tutu and the matching hair bow so I would love to keep it up, if you are ok with that! Thanks Jessica! Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for linking up! Michelle
Hi Kate! Thank you for your question. The winners of our Summertime Bows Show-N-Tell Link Party were announced HERE! Thank you for checking and have a wonderful day! Michelle
I accidentally posted the wrong picture on the summertime blog contest page. I have no clue how to take it off. I’m sorry. It’s the one of my daughter in a tutu. Although your products were used to make the bow in her hair.
Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for letting us know! I absolutely love the tutu and the matching hair bow so I would love to keep it up, if you are ok with that! Thanks Jessica! Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for linking up! Michelle
Where is the announcement of who won?
Hi Kate! Thank you for your question. The winners of our Summertime Bows Show-N-Tell Link Party were announced HERE! Thank you for checking and have a wonderful day! Michelle
Congratulations to the winners!
Thank you Kate! Have a great day! Michelle