
Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial

 Swimsuit Cover-Up - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Hi Ya’ll! It’s Danielle from Blissful and Domestic. I don’t know about you, but I am greatly anticipating summer. BBQ’s, swimming, snow cones, and fireworks come July.

Summer and I have a love hate relationship though. I love its arrival, since it means the beginning of late nights riding bikes, family dinners, and lots of homemade ice cream (you have to cool off some way), but I hate it come July when it hits about 115′ here in the desert. Although it is a love hate relationship, I do believe in being prepared because swimming is going to happen no matter what. We can’t only use ice cream to cool off…well we could, but my hips would not like it.

With lots of swimming happening during the summer, I love to have some fun things to help this mama not go crazy when lugging littles around the pool. Do you ever have that predicament where your Little Miss just can’t seem to keep her towel wrapped around her or she thinks that wearing a swimsuit becomes her uniform of choice come May? Your little one may even want to wear it everywhere during the summer…..I mean everywhere folks. Those weird eye rolls as she runs around the grocery store are always welcomed….no they really aren’t…but I get them anyways.

This is where the Sunshine Summer Cover-Up saves the day. Little Miss can wear her swimsuit, as we run errands before pool time, and I get to have a little munchkin who is covered and modest. It also means less help keeping that towel wrapped around her, after swim time ends. I only have two hands, so this is a saver. I now want to make one in my size…now if I can only find a towel big enough…hmmm…but I guess that’s for another post and another day. 🙂

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

As with all my projects, I like to keep it simple and loaded with pictures to help you through the tutorial. Ready to get started?

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
1/4 yard My Sunshine Pink Stripes Fabric
1/2 yard My Sunshine Green Paisley Fabric
Sew On Velcro
3/4 in. Wide Elastic
7/8 in. Wide Ruffle Ribbon
1 Bath Towel

I used Riley Blake’s My Sunshine line. Riley Blake and I see eye to eye on cute fabric. I love all the fun patterns!  You don’t need a ton of fabric for this project and all the notions are pretty inexpensive, which means a thrifty project….oh those are my favorite! This gal is on a budget, so I need my projects to reflect that.

I cut my piece of green paisley fabric to measure 30″ in length by 19 1/2″ wide. The length will really depend on the towel you use. I found mine at Wal-Mart for under $3. You might even have a towel in the closet you can use! I folded my green paisley fabric in half before placing it on my towel. Just pick an end of the towel to work with. Just remember where you sew your fabric will become the front of your cover up.

Swimsuit Cover-Up - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Leave the folded side out, so your raw edge will be covered up by your second piece of fabric (my striped fabric).

Swimsuit Cover-Up - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

I cut my piece of pink striped fabric to measure 30″ in length by 10 1/2″ wide. I folded the piece in half lengthwise before placing it onto my green paisley fabric. Leave the folded side out, so your raw edge will be covered up by your ruffled ribbon trim. Covering up those raw edges prevents fraying in the fabric when washed.

Swimsuit Cover-Up - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Sew each layer in place using a straight stitch and coordinating thread.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Once your layers of fabric have been sewn, now comes the fun part! That ruffle ribbon trim! It is the best and is my little girl’s favorite part! She said she loved how girly it was. “Me too little Miss…Me too”.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Once the front of the cover-up is finished, it is time for the inside. This part gets a bit tricky, but I hope my wordy nature and pictures will help alleviate any confusion.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat
Pin your Velcro on opposites sides. One piece of Velcro will be on the back side of the front of the cover-up (the part with the pretty fabric) and the other piece of Velcro will be sewn where the towel overlaps, as it is wrapped around your little one.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat
Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat
After your Velcro is sewn in place, its time to tighten up the back. You will have elastic running the whole length of the towel from Velcro to Velcro. When you sew elastic, you need to remember to let the towel lay normal and feed through the sewing machine at a normal pace. The elastic though, will be completely stretched out as you sew it to your towel. This enables the towel to have a stretch to it. As you sew your elastic on, the towel will begin to bunch and gather as the elastic is no longer stretched after sewing. I have a picture below that will give a final rundown, so you can see where everything is placed and secured.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat
Next pin on your straps. It is best to have your munchkin there to judge where to put the straps.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Lastly sew those straps in place and your golden! So now one final picture rundown, so you can make sure everything is in the right place.

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Are you totally crushing right now? I know I am! There are so many fun possibilities with this cover-up…so many fun pattern combos you could do. I seriously want to make some more for my nieces and for myself of course. If you ever have trouble putting patterns together, The Ribbon Retreat has all the coordinating fabric lines laid out. I have fabric ADD and get distracted very easily. Too many fun colors and patterns for my brain to focus! Having the pattern lines already organized into complementary groups, helps my brain focus and create!

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Now it is time for the pool. We’ll be doing the indoor pool till summer really hits here in the desert, but we are looking forward to hot days, popsicle dribbles, freckled smiles (or grumps like above) and big splashes in the pool!

Swimsuit Cover-Up Tutorial - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
You can see more Ribbon Retreat projects from me HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!

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XO Danielle

Are your swimsuits, flippers, and goggles ready for those warm and sunny swimming days? I can’t believe the swim season is upon us. Yippee! This brilliant little cover-up is a perfect addition to your little girl’s summer attire. Swimsuits are a must during the summer and now they can sport this adorable cover-up around too. Swimming Pool or BUST!!! 🙂

Thank you Danielle! What a fun, fun project for all of those little swimmers that are gearing up for those beloved swimming days! Thank you for sharing your terrific Swimsuit Cover-Up with us! To see more wonderful projects and tutorials by Danielle, make sure to visit her at Blissful and Domestic.

Are you so ready for summer? I AM! I also love summer and the long bike rides with the kiddos, bright sunny days, laying out on the lawn staring at the beautiful night skies full of twinkling stars, AND drive-in movies. Oooohhhh, I can smell the popcorn now. Anyway…back to business. 🙂 If you loved this fun summer project, you are sure to love these other great projects perfect for those warm summer days…

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Simple Water Fight Shields

Basic Collapsible Play Tents - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
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Dancing Ribbon Rings

Happy Creating & Happy Swimming…almost!
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  1. Jennifer | The Delib
    Posted April 9, 2014 at 9:47 am | Permalink

    This is awesome and so cute. I’m thinking I should make this for my girls. Thanks for sharing. Pinning it right now!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted April 9, 2014 at 2:26 pm | Permalink

      Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am so glad that you love this cute little cover-up! Danielle did such a great job on this fun summer must-have! Have a wonderful day and thank you again! Michelle 🙂

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