I think you all know by now I have fallen deeply in love with Fabric Mod Podge. I like the end result with fabric better than paper!
I’ve seen so many pumpkins in stores lately, and while they are cute as is, I saw a little more potential.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Everything looks cuter covered in fabric!!
I didn’t use any old fabric for these pumpkins, I used designer fabric by Riley Blake. Such beautiful fabric! I used Purple Damask, Orange Stars, Green Dots, and Black Stripes from the Trick or Treat 2 collection.
I used 4 fat quarters for this project and I had enough left over to make a pretty cool wreath for my door! Making your own decorations can save SO much money!
–Supplies– Fabric Mod Podge Fabric (amount depends on how many pumpkins you want to cover). Pumpkins Sponge brush
First cut your fabric in strips. I measured my pumpkin and made my strips about an inch longer than the pumpkin. The strips do not need to be perfect and they can vary in width.
After the fabric is cut into strips apply a thin coat of Fabric Mod Podge to the right side (printed side) of each strip. This helps the fabric mold to the pumpkin and eliminates wrinkles.
When the fabric strips are dry start to apply them to your pumpkin.
To apply each strip paint a coat of Fabric Mod Podge to the back side of your fabric strip and smooth it onto the pumpkin.
You can apply the fabric strips any way you want. I did one pumpkin with stripes and one completely random. Have fun with it! For the random mod podge pumpkin I cut my strips into smaller squares.
Here is my pumpkin before the make over.
And now so glamorous!
Side View.
Back. That hole is for a light bulb to clamp in. It’s going to look awesome all lit up!
I had left over fabric so I made a quick wreath for my front door.
I cut my left over fabric into 3″x9″ strips. I cut the tulle and marabou to 9″ as well. I used Black Marabou, Purple Tulle, and White Tulle to add fullness. I love the marabou! So perfect for Halloween!
To make this wreath all I did was tie the fabric, tulle and marabou around an embroidery hoop I had laying around.
I put some hot glue on the embroidery hoop before I tied on the marabou for added security.
Don’t mind the ribbon. I wrapped the embroidery hoop with ribbon, but it proved to be completely unnecessary.
I folded the fabric strips in half (length wise) so that the wrong side of the fabric wouldn’t show. Then I tied it onto the embroidery hoop with a single knot. I Tied the tulle in a double knot.
I love the colors!
It is not too late to get your hands on your own designer fabric and make some pumpkins of your own (and maybe a wreath)! The Ribbon Retreat usually ships within 1 business day! You could be crafting before you know it!
I love it! Especially the wreath. I’m also a Mod Podge fanatic with fabric. You should link this up to Mod Podge Rocks blog. It’d be good exposure for anyone who doesn’t know the wonderful things you can get at the Ribbon Retreat! 🙂
I saw this post and had to have some fabric for my own projects. I placed my order Thursday and it was in my mailbox Friday afternoon.WOW. That is amazing. Wish me luck on my pumpkins and wreath.
I love it! Especially the wreath. I’m also a Mod Podge fanatic with fabric. You should link this up to Mod Podge Rocks blog. It’d be good exposure for anyone who doesn’t know the wonderful things you can get at the Ribbon Retreat! 🙂
I saw this post and had to have some fabric for my own projects. I placed my order Thursday and it was in my mailbox Friday afternoon.WOW. That is amazing. Wish me luck on my pumpkins and wreath.
I love the fast shipping!!! Good luck! Send pictures!